Not ‘Wired’ for Wireless Headsets? You Should Be!

Have you been experiencing pain in the neck and shoulder tightness?  There’s a very good chance it’s being caused by your telephone handset, that is, if you are using it during telephone conversations.  You may think “I only have quick/short  phone calls” and you may have a point.  However, have you monitored yourself about how many times you had to squeeze your telephone handset between your neck and shoulder during these “quick” phone calls because you had to use your hands for something else like using your mouse and keyboard?  How about when looking for something around a desk and inside your drawers?  This action of squeezing the handset between your neck and shoulders, sporadically throughout your working day can cause Repetitive Motion Injuries.

According to WebMD, Repetitive Motion Injuries are among the most common injuries in the United States, made worse by the repetitive actions of daily living and a source of huge loses in terms cost to the workforce.  Its symptoms are among other things pain, tightness, numbness and they can range from mild to severe.  As a preventative measure, the Ontario Chiropractic Association recommends using headsets over handsets.

Using a basic wireless headset can help significantly reduce the symptoms caused by Repetitive Motion Injuries.  Here are at least 7 benefits you’ll get out of with a wireless headset:

  1. Be more productive – While on a call, wireless headsets free up your hands so you can efficiently take handwritten notes, type with your computer keyboard, and navigate around the screen with your computer mouse.
  2. Eliminates annoying headset cords – Have you ever apologized over the phone for “dropping your headset” because you accidentally snagged the headset cord while moving around your desk? You will never have to apologize again for that with a wireless headset!
  3. Unlike handsets, wireless headsets have built-in noise cancellation microphone technology to significantly reduce background noise so the other party can hear you much clearer.
  4. Wireless headsets give you the freedom to walk away from your desk to retrieve hard copy files, printouts or faxes without placing the call on hold.  Clients will be pleasantly surprised by how efficient you are.  Having fewer interruptions equals better a call experience!
  5. Wireless headsets can be a tool to fight noise pollution in your workplace.  Simply walk away and find a private and quiet spot to continue your telephone conversation as long as it’s within the wireless headset’s range.  Don’t fret.  Professional-grade wireless headsets usually have approximately 300 feet range.
  6. If it wasn’t for a wireless headset, you wouldn’t be able to stand and stretch your back and your legs while on a call.  Doing so will improve your blood circulation and reduces stress levels.
  7. Prepare beverages – Feeling thirsty while on a call?  Wireless headsets allow for walking to the nearby kitchen and quietly pour that hot cup of coffee or dashing to the nearby water cooler for a quick drink.  Just don’t slam the cupboards and the fridge doors.  Noise cancelling technology ain’t that perfect!  Mute is very helpful though!

For basic wireless headset systems that are virtually compatible with all major brand phone systems and desk phones, we strongly recommend reviewing these bestsellers:

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